Saturday, March 12, 2011

Jack and Nate

One of the questions that John and I have gotten the most since Nate's arrival is asking how Jack's doing with being a big brother, and for good reason.  During his 26 month reign as our only child Jack was the center of John's and my universe, not to mention utterly doted upon by his 6 grandparents.  I have to admit, as Nate's due date crept up I found myself feeling increasingly guilty knowing how much we were about to rock Jack's world and also fairly worried that Jack was going to resent his little brother's intrusion into his life.  So you can imagine our shock when we saw that Jack was so excited to be a big brother!  He is fascinated by Nate and continually wants to touch him and he even finds the little one hilarious.  Sure, a lot of his affection is shown by trying to poke Nate, but the kid's only 2 so it's to be expected.  I have even seen him try to share his trucks when the baby's upset, and as the above picture shows Jack's even offered his beloved pacifier to his little brother.  Of course, that's not to say that we didn't have some growing pains because Jack definitely did some acting out... for a little while we had to go back to square one when it came to how he's supposed to behave with other kids (the low point was when he headbutted his little friend Bryn) and we got an awful lot of crocodile tears with every minor bump and bruise.  But for the most part Jack's really embraced the role of big brother and decided that he's a big boy now.  Our stubborn little boy will even occasionally listen to us when we tell him not to do something!  John and I have really lucked out with how great Jack's adjusted to having Nate around.

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